Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 16 - Keep Playing

I continue to discover new and interesting things to take pictures of or at least interesting ways to take pictures of ordinary things. This willow tree was photographed by the light from the nearby streetlamp and while I was expecting streaks of stars in the sky I instead got the interesting bokah lights which I think is probably ice on the lens or maybe even the sensor.  It was 20 below and I might not have acclimatized the camera as much as I should have but it did create an interesting effect that I can probably never reproduce.
Canon 20D, Canon 17-85mm lens
ISO 400, f/16, 568s
For this picture, I am below this stop ahead sign by about 30 feet at the bottom of the retaining wall with the sun just behind the wall.  From down here "ahead" feels more straight up rather than a little bit up the road.
Canon 20D, Canon 17-85mm lens
ISO 400, f/8, 1/8000s
Ice on Kootenay Lake.  It's been rather cold in Nelson the last week or so. 
Canon 20D, Canon 17-85mm lens
ISO 400, f/16, 1/250s
So, 16 weeks into blogging and almost 2 full months of Project 365 I continue to play and I continue to create pictures that I enjoy.  Rather than getting stale or into a rut, like I was worried I might by this point, it seems the more I push myself to get out there with my camera, the more opportunities to get good pictures I find.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week 15 - Try Anyways

Photographer Darwin Wiggett says "There is no such thing as bad light" and I understand what he is getting at but for any given subject there is bad light.  One thing that I haven't heard from any of the photography blogs and magazines I have been reading is "go out anyway even if the light is crappy and you can't find a way to take advantage of it.  You never know... at worst you might find a new angle for an old subject that can inspire you to go back when the light is better and try again."

Here is a picture I took last Thursday.  It was dark and cloudy and snowing and just plain miserable.  I took this picture and I think it has some real promise when the light is better and I can see those mountains in the background hidden behind the clouds.

Canon 20D, Canon 17-85mm lens,
ISO 400, f/16, 1/250s
I'm not sure I like the one taken the next day in sunshine any better.

Canon 20D, Canon 17-85mm lens,
ISO 400, f/16, 1/100s

I guess I'm going to need to go back during the Golden Hour and try again.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 14 - Nelson Homes Continued

There are so many beautiful old homes in Nelson that my self assignment has continued.  I must admit I've been stepping out and haven't been exclusive to my assignment but given that the weather has been terrible and I work full time I think I've been doing okay.  Here are a couple of additions I have made to my collection in the last few weeks.
Canon 20D, Canon 17-85mm Lens,
ISO 400, f/8, 1/400s

Canon 20D, Canon 17-85mm Lens,
ISO 400, f.8, 1/250s
It might be time, however, to put this assignment to rest until the snow is gone and I will resurrect it in the spring when the flowers start to bloom.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Week 13 - Best of Project 365 - January

"Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop"
     - Ansel Adams

If that's good enough for Ansel Adams it ought to be good enough for anyone.  With that in mind I have decided to create a best 12 for 2011.  I will pick one from each calender month rather than the best 12 out of the whole pile and I am limiting myself to my Project 365 pictures (  I'm hopeful that all the work I am putting into my photography through my Blog and Project 365 and my self assignments will make my January photos look a little sad next to my December ones but only time will tell.

Canon 20D, Sigma 150mm lens,
ISO 400, f/16. 1/160s
One of my favourite things about this picture is the cracked glass on the 6.  You would never know there was glass on the keys except one of them is broken.