Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week 15 - Try Anyways

Photographer Darwin Wiggett says "There is no such thing as bad light" and I understand what he is getting at but for any given subject there is bad light.  One thing that I haven't heard from any of the photography blogs and magazines I have been reading is "go out anyway even if the light is crappy and you can't find a way to take advantage of it.  You never know... at worst you might find a new angle for an old subject that can inspire you to go back when the light is better and try again."

Here is a picture I took last Thursday.  It was dark and cloudy and snowing and just plain miserable.  I took this picture and I think it has some real promise when the light is better and I can see those mountains in the background hidden behind the clouds.

Canon 20D, Canon 17-85mm lens,
ISO 400, f/16, 1/250s
I'm not sure I like the one taken the next day in sunshine any better.

Canon 20D, Canon 17-85mm lens,
ISO 400, f/16, 1/100s

I guess I'm going to need to go back during the Golden Hour and try again.

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