Sunday, November 13, 2011

Best of Project 365 - October 2011

Another month has gone by and

Oops... another almost year has gone by and this is still sitting in my drafts.  The picture I liked best from my October Project 365 pictures taken last year.  Well, it is finally up.  Maybe I'll dredge out November and December too!
I have gone through a lot in the last year or so including but certainly not limited to my boss retiring leaving me in charge but short staffed and unable to hire a replacement.  Well, that is finally coming to an end, a new manager has been brought in and I get to go back to my old desk.  The good news is that will free up more of my time and energy to focus on my photography. 
With that in mind my first step was to set up a studio in my house.  Well that's mostly done and I moved my computer in today and decided to update my blog. 
I haven't been completely artistically idle in the last year, I have taken some pictures, although not nearly as many as last year, and I completed the "Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron a twelve week journey which I found very enlightening, and now, in her words, I am taking the next right step.  More will follow.